Sometimes, it helps to be prepared before jumping into a new relationship; look before you leap! To have a healthy relationship with someone who has an STI, it is advisable that you enter the relation ...

It's that time of the month, and no it's not our period! It's the time where the Crazy Red Haired Lady gives you some personal wisdom! ...

DATING & RELATIONSHIP IN FRANCE VS. THE U.S This video compares and helps understand dating and relationship concept in France Vs. in the U.S. ...

Being in your twenties is tough. You're not a child anymore, but also not quite a full-fledged "adult" yet. Sure, you do adult things like cook asparagus sometimes, but you're also sweating about secu ...

Hey dolls some advice on the dos and don'ts of the gay scene. Slutty behavior, Bitchyness, backstabbing and safe sex are all issues that go on in the gay community. Coming out and or dating in the gay ...

Watch this video for seven tips on getting over your relationship break-up and your ex. ...

I Like U!!!! I Love U!!!! I Lust U!!!! Now-a-days there are more friends of opposite gender than of same gender. So, almost every girl or boy likes a boy or girl daily! But, is that feeling just at ...

Online dating has become more and more popular throughout the last 10 years. As the Internet becomes more and more prevalent in society, it has meant that many people do many more aspects online both ...

Visit http://www.freeecigtrials.com for your free, smokeless electronic cigarette trial offer (starter pack).Electronic cigarettes are free from tar, ash, chemicals, toxins, high prices and they allo ...

Speed Dating for singles over 30. When you are over 30 and start to become sick of he bar scene. Speed Dating is a great alternative. Speed dating events are usually held in upscale venues, organized ...