
Dating & Relationships

Romance, dating, and relationships can take up a lot of time, money, and effort. However, the dating pool does not have to be an unfriendly place, so break out the romance and charm your way into their hearts.
"How to Keep your boyfriend from checking out other women" cover image
Oct 9, 2007

Does your boyfriend have wandering eyes? In this how-to video, Tracey Cox talks about addressing the wandering eye problem and how to deal with a man who can't keep his eyes off of other women while y ...

"How to Kiss in thirty different ways" cover image
Aug 29, 2007

This tutorial will take you though different steps of touching and flirting leading up to a kiss. It will also cover thirty different styles of kissing, from the French to the simple. ...

"How to Kiss better and more passionately" cover image
Aug 27, 2007

Kissing: to some people it is just a drunken hello, but to the rest of us, it is an art that takes more than practicing on your hand. Watch this kissing tutorial to improve your lip skills. You'll hav ...

"How to Have a secret affair at work" cover image
Jun 27, 2007

Learn how to successfully have a secret affair at work. This narrated how-to video with step-by-step subtitles discusses how to keep a romantic relationship at the office alive, while keeping it under ...