Dan and Jennifer offer dating and relationship advice. Dan and Jennifer are answering a question from a young lady who wants to be in a relationship with a guy who is still hung up on his ex-boyfrien ...
Observe the woman you're interacting with and listen to the woman to inform your conversation. Using these techniques will help women feel open and comfortable with you. Women are just people so don ...
David Wygant discusses how to meet hot women by being playful and goofy. Being playful and goofy during everyday life will attract attention from women. Women often wants to know who you really are. ...
Dan and Jennifer discuss not responding to messages in a timely manner when online dating. A lot of men are terrified and want to play it cool so they don't come across as desperate when dating online ...
Dan and Jennifer explain how to know if seduction and pick-up tactics will work for you. First, you need to learn to be yourself. Be wary of relying on pick-up and seduction books alone. Don't pretend ...
This video discusses how to mend a broken heart after being dumped by a significant other. The video starts with a question being asked a guy who was just dumped and now his best friend is trying to g ...
David Wygant and his students discuss how to meet women and stop being so uptight. Enjoy being with your group of friends when you go out. Women will be attracted to men who are laid back and having a ...
In this video, Dan and Jennifer answer a 71 year old woman's question about her relationship. The asker has been staying with an 80 year old man that she met online, for three years. Throughout the d ...
David Wygant discusses how to flirt with women and make yourself rejection proof. If a man does everything right and a woman doesn't respond, don't have a temper tantrum. If you do that, you will ...
David Wygant discusses how to meet women without pick-up lines. Men like to have instruction manuals with secret codes to tell them how to do things. Women, however, are simple to relate to and intera ...